Category: Storytelling

  • The Moth StorySLAM

    The Moth StorySLAM

    So that one time I did a Storyslam competition, that a colleague put me up to. I had no idea what it even was, just that ‘Mike when you go to happy hour with the team we are going to go from there to the Oberon Theater in Boston’ …you may not even get picked…

  • 3 is more than magic.

    Using numbers, you can build the best story, pitch, or presentation or be more precise at parties. Specifically 3 and 5. There is no perfect formula for preparation in storytelling at large. But purpose-driven storytelling and persuasion require some level of repeatable behavior to allow you to do other things off-script. There is a relatively…

  • 2016 October 31

    A Eulogy I wrote for my Father, read at St Dominicks Church on Halloween in 2016, I added photos and some captions. To My Hero Good morning everyone, my dad tried to be late for this.  First, thank you all for coming, all the offers of help and support for our family have been overwhelming.…

  • Underestimators, Overestimators, & The feel for the ‘game.’

    This post will outline what I learned from spending 11 years and three months in a startup that became a small business, then a mid-size business, and finally part of a larger company. This is an attempt to describe a skill honed over thousands of pitches, workshops, readouts, preps, and many failures. A recent book,…

  • Broadcasting & Narrowcasting

    This is a slight pitch prep, storytelling, narrative builds versus slideware. What is the BC/NC all about? Historically, when we are ‘trained’ to present or media trained to speak publicly, folks use all sorts of techniques to help internalize this and use this training. The concept here is something I learned about what is meaningful…

  • Truman Biography

    Excellent book but super long listen. A quick summary does not do justice to the level of detail and visualization while listening was great. I listened to this while driving back from Phoenix. Truman by David McCullough: A Comprehensive Biography David McCullough’s Truman is a meticulously detailed and elegantly written biography of Harry S. Truman,…

  • Expansive Ignorance™

    Expansive Ignorance™

    This is tangent from a previous post about curiosity. Applying “Expansive Ignorance” to Daily Tasks The concept of “Expansive Ignorance” can be a powerful tool to enhance productivity and creativity in your daily tasks. You can foster curiosity, innovation, and focus by embracing what you don’t know. Here’s how you can apply this concept effectively:…

  • On being curious to get sht done.

    On being curious to get sht done.

    “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day.” —”Old Man’s…

  • “He works for us”

    May 1, 2024 Mid- ‘ double the company days’ as a Mobster, I realized in a dark moment during one or more of my work travel nightmares that I was burning myself out. I ended up in Phoenixville, ER. While in the ER on New Year’s Eve (pre-COVID), I was having a scan with some…

  • Arcs (of Uncertainty™)

    There are many arcs, some called story arcs, arcs of uncertainty, and more. Sometimes, they are not arcs at all. They are lines of thinking. Ways of making an audience follow along, stay interested, and be entertained.