Tag: Storytelling
The Moth StorySLAM
So that one time I did a Storyslam competition, that a colleague put me up to. I had no idea what it even was, just that ‘Mike when you go to happy hour with the team we are going to go from there to the Oberon Theater in Boston’ …you may not even get picked…
3 is more than magic.
Using numbers, you can build the best story, pitch, or presentation or be more precise at parties. Specifically 3 and 5. There is no perfect formula for preparation in storytelling at large. But purpose-driven storytelling and persuasion require some level of repeatable behavior to allow you to do other things off-script. There is a relatively…
Truman Biography
Excellent book but super long listen. A quick summary does not do justice to the level of detail and visualization while listening was great. I listened to this while driving back from Phoenix. Truman by David McCullough: A Comprehensive Biography David McCullough’s Truman is a meticulously detailed and elegantly written biography of Harry S. Truman,…
My mom made me a storyteller. My dad fixed/forced me out of any comfort zone.
My mother said I had the gift of gab. I was a chatty child, and in a large family getting a word in edge-wise was hard. Somewhere back there it began. In fights, I would try and talk my way out rather than just fighting it out. Girls, if they even paid a little attention,…