“Michael Wolff, author of the bombshell bestseller Fire and Fury, once again takes us inside the Trump presidency to reveal a White House under siege.
Just one year into Donald Trump’s term as president, Michael Wolff told the electrifying story of a White House consumed by controversy, chaos, and intense rivalries. Fire and Fury, an instant sensation, defined the first phase of the Trump administration”
Summary above is from Amazon.
My Take.
This was a bit of a behind the scenes for me since I was following many of these ‘shit show’s’ as they happened. With any book like this there are always surprises. Knowing how the chaos we think is happening is really happening is hard to take.
If there was ever a person who seemed bullet proof and judgement proof it is DJT. His actions, words, and decisions are not based on reality they are based on transactional elements that suit only him or things that by extension will benefit him.
The worst administration in recent history. This guy is a terrible human. And those he surrounds himself with. His behavior is a reflection of his self loathing malignant narcissistic daddy issues. Grain of salt, I blame mark burnett for all this.
It was a nice break from the Lincoln Conspiracy, (the one that didn’t kill him)
On to the next book,
Genhgis Kahn, the making of the modern world.